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Thank you to the city of Hautmont and to the Mayor, who is passionate about street art.

Thank you all for your trust and support for this project—sponsors, neighbors, and passersby.

We are proud to have brought to life a topic dear to the city and its inhabitants: Saint Vincent de Soignies, also known as Vincent Madelgaire, the founder of the city of Hautmont and its monastery.

We are delighted and honored that cities are adopting playful and larger-than-life approaches to street art, embodying the human values that are dear to us: trust and sharing.

Organized : SAH

Text from the artist:

« What an adventure! My friend Mazer and I would have never imagined that this mural project would take on such magnitude! 😃

Beyond the many residents of the city of Hautmont, the gigantic MADELGAIRE mural has captivated the city of Soignies in Belgium, which was also founded by Saint Vincent Madelgaire. So much so that the religious authorities of Soignies decided to come and bless the mural in a procession, with the presence of the saint's relics, an escort, a mass, and a blessing... Even the heavens honored us with a holy downpour (holy rain, perhaps?)!

Thank you, Soignies and Hautmont, for the warm welcome extended to our artistic endeavor 😊 Thank you and congratulations for your enthusiasm 😍 We are proud to have contributed to the shining of your shared history and to have had the honor, thanks to you, to create this magnificent MADELGAIRE. »

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